European Union

To day of today all we are conscious that obtaining quality products, it is necessary to invest developing and innovation with the purpose of to give to major impulse to the technology and to take advantage of all the infinite advantages that report. In fact, indeed from the European Union one is urging to the different countries from that from financing on the creation of technological parks that they analyze and they study new routes with the purpose of to create more novel products, of more quality, than they grant better results and than they make through cleaner and simple processes, which is translated in more competitive and economic prices. Fruit of this innovation is the products of technical measurement, like the vibration analyzers. These analyzers allow to verify of very simple form the state of the machine, as well as to obtain answers at the moment by means of the comparison of readings in the analysis. On the other hand, thanks to its function of integrated information, it will be able to secure advice about the configuration and it will provide measurements to him in a format simpler to use. With these analyzers, they will be possible to be measured the mechanical wearing down of pumps of water, motors, compressors Also, the digital multmetros of last generation are products extremely improved. Completely they are designed to work in very demanding conditions and they even can support a fall from three meters of height. In addition, they have manifolds functions and characteristics, as an extended bandwidth of tension, offer precise measures in signals nonlinear, the ranks can select of form manual or automatic This new product range guarantees a greater precision and handling, through modernized procedures that guarantee a maximum quality to the best price. One treats, in essence, to bet by the new technologies with a guarantee of security in all the aspects.