Professional Office

Of course you have the study of niche market made and these organizing the site. Where do you start? Well, the first thing you have to do is design a Web where the main action is subscribe to the greatest number of potential visitors. You can divide it in the following way: 1. who we are: Here you are going to fit all yours and your virtual business data as well as the privacy policies, moreover unto your virtual business and entregaras them your legal data. 2.

Of interest: here will place articles written by you the order that you have this section is not so much that visitors will read these articles but Google use it to improve the indexing of your virtual Professional Office. 3. Our offer: put here the list of products and services that you are going to market. When the visitor clicks on the link from the list you have to go into the Charter of sales of the product you are interested. 4 Faqs: Here you put the questions that your visitors may be that they are doing. That way you will dispel doubts them, before that they carry out. 5. Start: Here you sell one of the products most important that will have your virtual business.

That product is going to be your mini course by e-mail because one of the most important products? Simply because the is going to provide the prospects necessary to sell other products that are going to monetize your virtual business. On this page are going to sell them, the parents who visit you, your mini course by e-mail. This mini course will allow them to take care to her baby much more calm and safe. That is what you have to transmit them to the parents who come to your website. Where thou shalt put products?, here are five books? Here you can do two things, on the one hand you can register five domains and make a mini site with every one of them.