The Child

From a democratic option, it longs for to rescue the true social paper of the school and of the professor, this it estimates changes, either in the professional field, since, perpassa for the formation questions, remuneration and consequently valuation as well as, institucional that it includes number of pupils, adequate space and material satisfactory didactic. Some pedagogical profits as disinterest, indiscipline of the pupils, low learning among others of partner-economic order, permeiam the pertaining to school scope, ' ' se&#039 democratized ; ' the access to education, without democratizing the partner-economic improvement and being thus, the school loses its brightness and its enchantment. It agrees to affirm that the change will not occur of spontaneous form, is an extremely complex process and that it demands ability and comprometimento of all the agents who compose the community escolar' '. goes beyond: – ' ' If the time of the school is a boredom time where educator (…) and educators live the seconds, (…) to the wait of that the monotony finishes so that they leave risonhos for the life are there, the sadness of the school finishes for spoiling the joy of living (…) the child since very early, possesss a natural yearning to play, that is, it stops for in practical its abilities that they unclasp in increasing varieties of forms to explore itself proper and environment to its redor. In its way of ' ' brincar' ' , it expands a great amount of emotions, by the variety of tricks that however lives deeply, organizes its interior world in relation to the exterior, in many schools this desire to create and to imagine is substituted by mechanist techniques considered currently, exceeded. Valley to point out that the motor abilities are many that the child acquires throughout its development, helping it to develop it abilities in the diverse activities of its daily one.