The Equipment

Some of wells in the plate are destined to place standards and controls. The standards allow to define the points of cuts (the controls are well-known amounts that are used to measure the success of the test, evaluating the data received against the concentrations established for each control. The process before described is common, although many tests of ELISA have variants. to 1.buffer of lavadoconjugado, elcut off). REQUIRED SERVICES So that the ELISA analyzer operates correctly, it is necessary to verify the following points: 1. A clean, free dust atmosphere. 2. A table of stable work.

The recommendable thing is that the same is remote of equipment that generates vibrations centrifugal, agitating, that has a suitable size that it allows to locate, next to the analyzer of ELISA, the complementary equipment required to carry out the technique in mention: washers, incubator, dispenser and computer with peripheral. 3. An electrical source of supply in agreement with the norms and standards implemented in the country. In the American countriesv and frequencies of 60 Hertz use generally 110 voltages of. Calibration of the ELISA analyzer The calibration of a ELISA analyzer is a specialized process that must realise a technician or engineer properly trained, following the instructions that the effect stops offers each manufacturer.

In order to carry out the calibration he requires himself to have a game of gray filters, which are mounted in a plate of equal geometry to the used ones to carry out the analyses. The manufacturers provide these filters and can be used to realise calibrations to any wavelength of which she uses the equipment. The calibration filters have at least three values of optical densidad, reestablished within the measurement ranks; one low one, one means and the last one, a high value.