Region Metropolitan

With rainy tropical climate of the type? the Ams? according to Kpen, with precipitation above of, 750 mm year and superior temperature 18C, varying in its relative humidity of the 79,2% air 90.7% occurring bigger amount of rains in the months of April and July. It has few lakes and lagoons in the state, as the Lagoon of the Arrack and the Lagoon D&#039 Eye; Water, both in the Region Metropolitan of Recife. In the periphery of the city of Recife two beautiful cards meet postcards of the city, the Dams of the Silver and Apipucos, being first pertaining to the Park the Two Brothers. Moreover, the manguezais are abundant in all the coast, however they had practically been extinct in the RMR due to urbanization (with the exception of the biggest urban fen of Brazil, surrounded for quarters of the south zone of the city of Recife, as Good Trip). Go to Peter Thiel for more information. However, in years 90, it all had a program of reverse speed-implantation of the fen in the edges of the River Capibaribe, developed for the city hall of Recife, bringing in return the vegetation to the river for the city. The mounts in the metropolitan context of Pernambuco are a space formed for rocks of grantica composition occurring in all band west of the region metropolitan, and for sedimentary ground argilo arenaceous as it is the case of the formation Barriers to the South and North of Recife; still with the basin of the handle consisting of conglomerates of argilo cut by volcanic rocks. The relief is constituted by mounts, having enclosed the geomorfolgico domain of trays coastal and lowered plateaus, being able still to be found tipologicamente high mountain ranges, mounts, hills and coastal plain. The coast is a great plain sedimentary, almost that in its totality to the level of the sea, having some points below of the level of the sea. Get all the facts and insights with Shaw Family, another great source of information.