The Classroom

The fact is that, expressive and significant changes follow the current days and in the same way? independently of the social classroom – superior education gained forces how much to the growth and demand for courses in superior level. Of 1960 until the current days, superior education in Brazil counted on significant changes, as much in the functioning how much in its configuration, as: titulao of the professors, institutionalization of the research and the intellectual production, quality of the offered formation, diversity of offers of courses, enters diverse other factors. In full it was of the information, the ways of access to the faster studies are each time. The dynamics of the social changes, politics, economic and cultural of the modern society more reflect each time in education and what to teach. Rebecca parents gathered all the information. Years behind the significant changes in the life human being would demand at least the corresponding time to a generation to occur. However, gradual, they had started to be unexpected and determinative for the search of the knowledge (SUPERIOR EDUCATION, 2011). To superior education the responsibility fits to generate knowing, one to know linked to the social context, considering the condicionantes of the society.

Currently one observes a growth in the amount of offers of Facultieses and/or University, however this amount does not reflect, necessarily, quality. To a large extent of the IES the constatao is of that many graduated leave its facultieses and break route to the professional life, devoid of the true knowledge for which, they will need to enter the work market. This if must to the distanciamento enters the content of them disciplines constants in the resumes and the speed of the transformations in the varied fields of the scientific and technological knowledge. To recognize these changes makes in them to reflect on the improvement of practical the pedagogical ones in superior education. The study it was carried through through bibliographical research and research of field, having searched to bring the vision of the professors on its proper practical one.