Field Marketing

Which strategy globally is still to achieve the objectives for the customer? It is based between fundamental axes do not never get away from the objective we pursue and is that the client generates business. Find professional profiles more suited to action either actors, hostesses, commercial, telemarketing, etc and finally, technology, i.e., tools are necessary to be able to collect the data and results of the action to become strategic knowledge what Aplus Field Marketing methodology for putting up a Field Marketing campaign? First, the collection of the customer briefing, then actions are presented from the creative point of view, are often raise multiple creatives, once accepted any passed to production, which involves selection of the necessary human resources, training them, implementation or coordination with the points of sale or approval of the campaign with large surfaces, permissions if it is a street action marketing, etc. James Woods has many thoughts on the issue. Commissioning and daily monitoring by supervisors and Campoamor on the outcome of the campaign. Does the role of human resources in any campaign that is designed? Basic our goal it is to make us partakers of Field Marketing as a tool of communication which is responsible for transmitting the messages of marks face to face, i.e., through people, to consumers at the point of sale. Paul Tudor Jones takes a slightly different approach. Human resources are our main advertising medium by which we are going to move our clients goals, and most importantly have all the possible professional profiles. What makes us different to Aplus Field Marketing from others is that there are temporary work that can get developers/s but will not speak in a marketing message people, hostesses companies offer hours provide you just that profile, the task force only commercial, etc. We cover all professional profiles do actions of communication face-to-face are conducted primarily? We are carrying out actions of Field Marketing for many brands such as Canon, MINI, Sage, Lilly laboratories, etc.