Posts filed under “General”

Region Metropolitan

With rainy tropical climate of the type? the Ams? according to Kpen, with precipitation above of, 750 mm year and superior temperature 18C, varying in its relative humidity of the 79,2% air 90.7% occurring bigger amount of rains in the months of April and July. It has few lakes and lagoons in the state, as […]

The Diabetic

Authors as Milk et al 3 alert that for the load projection of illness in Brazil, as much in 1998 how much in 2013, diabetes mellitus is distinguished as specific cause with bigger participation in the lost years of life considering next to the incapacity, stop both the sexos. The consequences of diabetes melito in […]

Cavalcanti Health

However in the first decade of this century it observed a change, a reconfiguration of as to treat these men being allowed that these if also become object of attention in the public politics, to elucidate principles and lines of direction contained in the document National Politics of Integral Attention the Health of Man PNAISH, […]

Brazilian Institute

For Capra (1994) all the riots are psychosomatic, that is, involve a continuous interaction of body and mind in its origin, development and cure. On the other hand, to if searching some aspects of the Pomada Vov Peter in the vision of catholics, espritas and Buddhists use who it, it is perceived mainly that the […]

These Judges

In reason of this, the anger Mr. if lit against the Israelis, and It delivered in the hand of the espoliadores, had deloused that them; around vendeu them to God in the hand of its enemies, in way that they had been in great affliction, she had said as you that she would make. Not […]


A curious fact que a man can namorar some women at the same time, coexisting in the same house pacifically. Previously when an indian died was placed inside of a seated hole and plus its familiar ones they would never pass for that place, therefore they believed that the espritos killed that it could kill […]

The Classroom

The fact is that, expressive and significant changes follow the current days and in the same way? independently of the social classroom – superior education gained forces how much to the growth and demand for courses in superior level. Of 1960 until the current days, superior education in Brazil counted on significant changes, as much […]

The Third

METHODOLOGY the used method was the deductive one that if it defines as scientific boardings that can be analyzed in some angles. It generalizes the conclusions by means of a general theory, part of generality for the particular one and is conditional arguments. The scientific method is the placed tool the disposal of the scientist […]

Danielle Guedes Gouva Pear

Monograph (Graduation in Administration) University Center of Joo Person? UNIP. 1 INTRODUCTION Ahead of a significantly competitive market, more demanding consumers, existing the social and ambient problems in the world and the increasing conscience of the citizenship with such questions, the companies need to search ways of if detaching, not thinking only about getting bigger […]

Federal District

Prescription source is sufficient expressive for the States and the Federal’ District; ‘. As for the ability of the ICMS, Axe (2009, P. 363) detaches that: Competent for the collection of the ICMS it is the State where if it verifies its hypothesis of incidence. Speaking candidly Jake Paul told us the story. This rule, […]